Thursday, September 20, 2007

We'll be back right after this break...

The Museum of Electrical Philosophy is grateful for the support of its principal sponsor, the Lux Corporation. If you aren't aware of them that's a measure of their effectiveness. And I wouldn't have mentioned them here if their presence had not recently been noted by respected security analyst Nick Selby at The only other thing I will say is that the organisation to which I refer is in no way related to Lux Products Corporation, manufacturers of thermostats and other fine equipment since 1912. Nor to any other company you may have heard of. That's the way they are.

Sunday, September 09, 2007


This is as good a time as any to record some of the Museum's earlier exhibits. Starting with Hooke's Toaster. Other archival items will follow in due course and according to the whim of our Documentation Manager.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Mixer Mitosis redux et seq.

After a week or so, the mechanised mixer (see below) was modified by suspending it and getting rid of the bracket it was previously taped to. This was, we believe, an improvement both aesthetically and mechanically, and it was gratifying to find that the whole system was remarkably stable with just an engaging skerrick of wobble as the crank re-engaged with the handle on each revolution. Which just goes to show that our previous mental analysis of the forces had not been so great.

But now the mixer is offstage again. In its place is a reworking of the astable capacitor/relay system with strobe effects in the fan. And a counter. That doesn't really describe it too well; guess you need to see it.

Another discarded microwave oven has been collected. We have plans but don't expect to see it in the window box any time soon: it's too big. And we have taken delivery of some new (not recycled) microwave motors and other components. This does not represent a policy shift, it's just that have no need to be precious about reuse and recycle.


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Mixer mitosis

The electric semaphore mixer has been replaced by manual mixer with auxiliary power attachment. Early critical reviews have been favourable.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Further developments

The Museum was visited today by Bion Balding, director of the Latrobe Street Gallery. The proposed exhibition has now been rescheduled for early 2008, probably February-March.

Work has been progressing well in the Museum's technical research department, particularly in the developing the application of intermittent timers.

It must be admitted however that any progress in the laboratories has been partly at the expense of the public display area where not a lot has happened recently. The Electric Semaphore Mixer remains as a static display most of the time, with occasional test flights of intermittent power. The tests have been limited because they use mains voltage (230V AC) with exposed connections that would not receive the blessing of any safety audit or public liability insurer. But after all the research department is not a public place and visitors are warned not to touch.


Monday, July 16, 2007


There are moves to have an open studio day (or two) in the Nicholas Building in late August. The Museum will probably participate depending a bit on the date(s) and how prepared we are. Some artists are apparently keen to open their doors; others of course regard the studio as a private work space and only want their work to be seen on completion and in the gallery.

Coincidentally the Museum of Electrical Philosophy was planning to take its show on the road around that time. Well, out of the building at least, and to Latrobe Gallery (303 Latrobe St). This will give us a space somewhat bigger than the window in the door. So the open day could be a useful rehearsal for some of the works. Stay tuned.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Catching up with 2007 already

I know it looks like the blogmeister fell asleep at the wheel for a couple of months but really he's been awake, just doing other stuff. Not that it matters much since as far as I can tell no one reads this anyway.

Following the reprise of the Whirling Madonna at the Museum over Christmas, we then went into a more, um, introspective mode with the fuseboard (rear view) followed later by the black box.

Now it's time to update again. My neighbours in the Nicholas Building get bored after a couple of weeks and I don't think the current work was a great hit so it is definitely overdue for retirement. Unfortunately I have missed Fashion Week but Easter is coming up soon and then there will be Anzac Day... the possibilities are endless.