Sunday, March 09, 2008

Open for business again

Well gosh, look at the time. Has it really been that long between postings? In that time there have been a couple of impatient knockings on the virtual door but I figured if I ignored them they might go away.

Anyway the silence here does not mean the Museum has been inactive. On the contrary, the staff have been quite busy preparing new exhibits for a forthcoming exhibition, details of which will follow (but not today).

Meanwhile, here are a couple of recently completed works. What you can't see from these images is that these are both kinetic devices. Yes they move, but not too fast, about 3 cycles per minute.

Figure 1: Henry's Toaster. Alert visitors will notice a superficial similarity to Hooke's Toaster (qv).

Figure 2: Untitled (10 dervishes).