Friday, May 07, 2010

Paris report

We are pleased to be able to report some observations from Paris where the director is currently engaged in further research and liaison with corresponding organisations.

We had hoped to renew a long-standing and valued association with the Belgian office of the Kitchener Institute, however it was not possible due to their principal's urgent departure to Melbourne. Ironic, some might say; others might see instead an elegant (even fearful) symmetry.

And speaking of Belgians (which we aren't very often) we were more successful with a visit to the memorial for Zénobe Théophile Gramme at the Père-Lachaise cemetery. M Gramme, who is credited with the first commercial dynamo, does not get about much these days. We understand he is also honoured at the renowned Musée des Arts et Metiers, which is also on the director's itinerary.

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