Monday, November 07, 2011

Out of the mists

Some friends of the museum have expressed concern that the structure in the previous posting seemed a trifle inadequate. They ask for some show of progress towards a finished edifice. And so we offer this recent photo of what is believed to be the Museum's new home at a secret location.

Alert readers (and viewers) will notice that the building appears to be under attack by moles. A fair assumption if a tad far-fetched, moles being somewhat foreign to these parts. The truth as usual is somewhat more prosaic though not without significance The line of degrassed clay to the left of the picture indicates the location of the recently laid and long-awaited electricity cable. For what is a museum of electrical philosophy without electricity? (That's a rhetorical question. No need to write in and there are no prizes.)


Anonymous said...

Electricty cable? Really?

But your little cottage is charming.

Jim Hart said...

Yes, electricity cable. The research facility was erected remotely from other habitable structures, including the Director's residence, for reasons of security, privacy and safety. Not to mention aethetics. Thus the provision of infrastructure had to be addressed. Solar panels and batteries were considered but not for very long. A cable from the Official Residence was the only solution and local regulations required this to be buried within an orange conduit 600 mm below ground level. A trench was dug and it was found that clay expands when exposed to the air.

Anonymous said...

You and the moles have been covering your tracks, as it were. The other Anonymous said "electricty cable" because that was the phrase in your original explanation. Now you've gone and fixed it.

Jim Hart said...

We are not unaware of our occasional typos, nor are we too proud to amend where required. But to describe this as covering tracks implies a level of subterfuge that frankly we feel is unwarranted and our lawyers are considering our options. Alert readers may also have notice the reference to aethetics [sic] in the previous comment. This track has not been covered out of respect for visiting pedants and because the underlying software appears to allow the editor to edit the original post but not any of the comments even his own, so where's the editorial autonomy in that I ask you.