Monday, September 24, 2012


Despite the apparent lack of activity here, the museum and its director have not been totally moribund. Research continues on the interaction between the flat annulus and the long helix. Motors have been tested. Prototypes - well, protoprototypes - have been cobbled together. Our engineering consultants have come forth with help and advice, not to mention brass and aluminium. Nevertheless we have to admit progress has been slow, due in part to the weather and recently the incessant

None of this explains the plague of unwelcome and unsolicited comments that have populated this site lately, and one recent post in particular, so much so that we have had excise it (the bedpost, as it were, not the entire site obviously) in the hope this might stem the tide. But perhaps they will simply infest this one. We shall see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When does your cobbler plan to reveal his (or, as the case may be, her) protoprototypes?